Lithonia BCN800-8BWP-CE005 Replacement Battery
Make sure that the polarity of this connector matches to your battery. If it does not, CUSTOM-306 might be the match that is needed.
Manufacturer: Dantona
Warranty: 6 MO
Length: 1.1" (27.94mm)
Width: .57" (14.48mm)
Height / Diameter: 7.7" (195.58mm)
Voltage: 9.6V
mAh: 800
Number of Cells: 8
Battery Chemistry: Nickel Cadmium (NICD)
Rechargeable: Yes
Weight: 5.6 oz
Best Lighting Products | BAT9.6V700 |
Lithonia | BCN800-8BWP-CE005 |
Lithonia | BGN800-8BWP-500EC |
Lithonia | ELB-B003 |
Lithonia | ELB-B004 |
Core Charge | No |